about NIXIN
What's in a name?
The most frequently asked question we receive about the company here at NIXIN Jewelry is, "Where does the name NIXIN come from?"
If you hadn't already guessed, it draws on Nicki's name, but there's more to it than just that.
It also appeals to her minimalist aesthetic...but there's still something more behind it.
Perhaps you noticed, NIXIN is a palindrome — a word that is identical when spelled forward or backward.
Yet even more special, it's also an ambigram — it can be flipped upside down and remains unchanged.
For Nicki, this pattern of a word cycling back into itself represents her own path in life — a recurrent return to her innate passions.
(Although, if you ask her friend Dave, he'll tell you NIXIN was his nickname for her in college.)
Where is NIXIN?
NIXIN is based in Los Angeles, California where each piece of fine jewelry is hand made by local artisans. Your pieces are made with intention and love.

Company Credo
(It's like a mission statement.)
The most treasured jewelry we own forever links us to our memories, tells our stories and evokes our emotions. Here at NIXIN Jewelry, we believe that begins with the selection of exceptional One of a Kind stones; stones that resonate so deeply you see them in your dreams.
So that's what we do - source the extraordinary.
We are the architects of their homes and the narrators of their stories, and when you connect with one of our pieces you just know.
NIXIN Jewelry ~ A small business with a big heart and a Minor Opal Obsession.
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